
Aquilegia Blue Roses Clouds Daisies

Hawthorn Heather Ivy Orange Roses

Poppies Weeping Willows White Roses

If you have a related website or fanlisting and would like to affiliate with Eternal, please feel free to contact me.


The layout for this site was inspired by Dave Reeder's "Grapes" design for OSWD. It was edited in Notepad and previewed and adjusted using Firefox. The header image was created using a stock photo from Getty Images and was edited using Corel Paint Shop Pro XI. The font used in the header image is Euphorigenic S, which is freeware and can be found through most free font websites.

The fanlisting was adopted in January 2009 from Kryz, who first opened it on May 25th, 2008 under the name "Caring." The fanlisting is now part of the Intensité collective and is approved by and affiliated with the Fanlistings Network.

Any questions about copyright should be directed to Ashley for immediate resolution.

Copyright © J. A. Odell, 2009 - . Part of the Fanlistings Network.